Autonomous Underwater Vehicle
Autonomous Underwater Vehicles – AUVs offer the ultimate in autonomous remote subsea survey/inspection capability. These free-swimming autonomous underwater vehicles are characterised by great manoeuvrability and high accuracy of stabilisation. Hydrodynamic shape, accurate instruments and excellent battery capacity makes these AUV’s an ideal choice.

Key features
- Very stable and low noise hydrodynamic platform for payload sensors
- High manoeuvrability providing terrain following and turning radius of 15 metres
- Operating depths of 3000, 4500 and 6000 metres
- Operator supervised (“acoustic tether”), semiautonomous or autonomous operation
- State of the art Aided Inertial Navigation System (AINS)
- Provides robustness and sound technical solutions to the demands of modern navies
- Latest battery technology with up to 100 hours endurance at 4 knots
- Highly flexible configuration and integration of payload systems
- Typical payload sensors are synthetic aperture sonar or side-scan sonar, multibeam echo sounder, sub-bottom profiler, camera, CTD and volume search sonar
Commercial applications
- High-resolution high-speed seabed mapping and imaging
- Geophysical site inspection
- Pipeline and subsea structure inspection
- Oceanographic surveys
- Environmental monitoring
- Marine geological survey
- Search operations
Defence applications
- Mine countermeasures – MCM
- Rapid environmental assessment – REA
- Intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance – ISR