Smart Torque Tool | Class 1-4

AES Smart Torque Tool has retained the rugged features of its predecessor and added the technologically advanced features our customers require. We have retained the mechanical counter as a backup but also added a digital display that provides real-time torque and turns subsea as well as on the surface, via laptop control. The tool can be supplied as a stand-alone smart tool or with a proportional valve pack, laptop and GUI that can limit torques, control speed and direction as well as log values. Our robust latch system provides you the confidence that you are securely locked into the subsea bucket and will stay that way until you choose to disengage. In the case of an unforeseen power failure, our latches are spring loaded and will retract allowing you to safely disconnect from the work site.
- 24V DC power supply (from ROV or batteries)
- RS232 comms
- Large easy to read numbers
- Torque Readout accuracy +/- 3%
- Displays in tenths
- Large easy to read numbers
- Oil filled, independently sealed housing
- Spring return
- Robust dogs
- 17-4 Hardened fins
Low maintenance design
- Easy motor change out
- 2 Motors cover entire torque range
- Simple counter change out
- Critical components off shelf
- All hardware US Standard
- Handle functions as a protective
- cage around critical components
- Air– 110lbs (50KG)
- Water– 85lbs (39KG)